Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The discovery of a parallel universe in my living room today actually didn't change much.

Yeah, sure, the supernatural is really something - but, you know, you have to be in the mood for it. When I turned away from my laptop screen this afternoon, I discovered a parallel universe right on the other side of my living room. Not only could I watch myself folding t-shirts, but I was also sitting on the sofa reading a book at the same time. Wow, isn't that special. Wormholes, time travel and all that? Give me a break. If folding underwear and reading is all I can do in parallel universes, I can as well stay home and watch tv. 

1 comment:

Christiane Hauschild said...

hi, caramellady.
Did you ever read the Sterntagebuecher des Ion Tichy by Stanislaw Lem? There is a nice story about a pilot meeting himself in a parallel universe and beating himself up with a bottle of wine (The story is told twice)

Hope this won't happen to you!!!


Christel Santos Silva da Mata Obscura