The bad seed has been planted: In November another bakery (blue arrows) will open
on Grindelallee. In the once diverse neighborhood yeast culture is yet growing stronger.
If there's anything we do not need in this neighborhood, it's another bakery. There are about 7 within a hundred yards - not counting the numerous cafes, grocery stores and newsstands that are selling bread, rolls and pastry just by the way. I was quite happy with the One-Euro-Store next to the head-massager-and-tabletop-fountain-store, but unfortunately it went out of business in September. Last week I first noticed the sign announcing the opening of a new franchise self-service bakery store. I'm confused. I'd like to think it's a conspiracy, but then it's too obvious to be one. To me it's becoming pretty clear that bread is taking over the city! Doesn't anybody see? Doesn't anybody care?? One night we'll wake up from a yeasty smell, and there will be dough all over the place, dough pushing open the bedroom door, dough coming through the cracks in the walls, dough creeping into our beds, winding its way under our blankets, covering our feet, legs, bodies, and before we can even scream it will fill our mouths and noses and ears and lungs and ... and... and... HELP!!!!!!!!!!
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