I remember I have been to the lake before.

I don't recall this place. At all.
Have I been to Zurich before? Or haven't I? I'm pretty sure I have. Strange enough to fly in for a day, and yes: I was tired because I had to be at the airport before six, but still... shouldn't I be able to recognize some parts of the city? Yes, I should. But when I got off the tram train and walked downtown I had the perfect deja-friggin'-what's-wrong-with-me-definitely-not-vu. The buildings? Never seen them before. The stores? No recognition whatsoever. The restaurants? Nope. And all the signs that said "lake" seemed to point in a wrong direction. So I just wandered on, crossed a bridge to the other side of the river and ahhhh... there it was. Okay, it feels good to know that I'm not suffering from Alzheimers, but how can it be that I spent almost a week in Zurich a couple of years ago and never made it to the west side of the river? Isn't that equally weird? If I were me I would be scared.
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