Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I can't remember where I am, but it looks like I'm having fun.

Okay, from the picture I do remember now. It is the new exhibition of the "Hamburg Water Color Workshop" (hamburger aquarellwerkstatt) at Fabrik der Künste. Could somebody get me a glass of water now please?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The dog with no end.

A couple of months ago a peculiar shaggy dog started straying in the streets of my brain. I have been watching him for some time now and I think he will turn into a story titled „The dog with no end“ soon. Just give it some time.

As much as I know so far he lives with an old lady who can’t remember his name, which doesn’t matter much because he can’t remember her name either, and when you know who you are and who the other person is and you don’t talk to anybody else anyway, names aren’t really that necessary. It is hard to tell the front and the back of the dog apart, and even the dog himself can’t sometimes, but that doesn’t matter much either, because the dog is used to bumping into things and he has learned that if one of his ends can’t manage to eat the food the old lady puts into his dish, the other end surely can.

The old lady keeps losing things, and when she blames it on her absent-mindedness the dog doesn’t object, although he knows that some of those lost things turn up in his hair some time later (one day when he licked his left hind leg he found a porcelain dolphin, a dollar bill and the key to the attic they both had believed to be gone, and he silently put everything back on the kitchen table). When times get tougher financially, his clumsiness turns out to be a lifesaver for the two of them. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What's the word for the moment when ...

... your bad conscience about not picking up your absent colleague's phone turns into sheer anger that it just WON'T STOP RINGING?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Does my little one have enough friends?


As a single working mum you are always concerned about your baby getting enough attention. My little Who tells me I shouldn't worry, because he has one really close buddy. But I'm not sure. His best friend looks too much like a guy I knew when I was child - and see where it got me.    

Saturday, October 1, 2011