If you want to cruise with small monkeys, you should pick a cruise line that offers special programs and meals for your little ones. For our trip from Miami to Cozumel, Mexico we chose Celebrity Cruises - and were more than delighted by their service. It was truly outstanding: friendly, warm and highly professional at the same time, and truly monkey-oriented. Both Who and Whose enjoyed themselves and never got bored (which can be a big problem when traveling with monkeys). Room service supplied them with a wholesome diet of champagne and bananas.
At Celebrity Cruises they offer a wide range of monkey activities. All programs are geared to specific age groups and supervised by experienced monkey staff members. Celebrity monkeys are happy, engaged, and entertained. They can enjoy crafts, music, karaoke, treasure hunts, theme parties, movies and lots more. An assortment of LeapFrog® interactive toys are available for use in the Fun Factory and can also be checked out for private use.
We also made good use of the private in-stateroom Monkey Sitter (they charge a nominal fee of $8.00 per hour, for up to two monkeys within the same family).
And: Our stateroom attendant Jannis proofed to be a real sweetie. When we didn't make it home in time she read the critters stories and put them to bed. Thank you again, Jannis!